A Message from Fr. Charlie

Reflection from Fr. Charlie – Solemnity of the Blessed Trinity

Deuteronomy: 4:32-34, 39-40  Romans 8:14-17  Matthew 28:16-20  If we were together for the Sunday Eucharist, I would use the optional baptismal profession of faith till this Sunday. It is a reminder to us of our initiation into the life of the Trinity which took place at our baptism. As the life of God is relational,… [read more]

Reflection from Fr. Charlie – Pentecost Sunday

Acts: 2-1-11 1 Cor 12: 3b-7,12-13  John 20:19-23 On a past retreat that I was on. Father Dennis Robinson presented the image of the Church as an elephant – it’s so large that we zero in on a certain part and made it the whole. Vatican Council II saw the Church as the People of God –… [read more]

Ascension of the Lord

Acts: 1-1-11  Ephesians 1:17-23 Mark 16:15-20 A quality that is peculiar to the gospel of Mark is the lack of stories of the appearances of the risen Lord. The gospel this Sunday is actually considered to be added on at later time. Mark’s emphasis is to see the risen Christ reflected in discipleship which is part of… [read more]

5th Sunday of Easter – Beginning the Month of Mary

This weekend, had the Masses been in-person, we would have had Deacon Terry sharing his Homily. We invite you instead to read his words in the PDF below, followed by Fr. Charlie’s message on the Fifth Sunday of Easter. Acts 9:26-31  1 John 3:18-24  John 15:1-8  Traditionally, May is a month dedicated to Mary, Our… [read more]

4th Sunday of Easter – April 25, 2021

Acts 4:7-12  1 John 3:1-2  John 10:11-18  In the liturgy of baptism for infants, the child is anointed with the oil of chrism  immediately following the moment of baptism. It signifies that the child is “set apart” – begins a unique relationship with Jesus in the Church.  Chrism is used in two other sacraments – Confirmation,… [read more]

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time  February 14, 2021  Leviticus 13:1-2,44-46  Mark 1:40-45  During this time of the pandemic, in celebrating the Sacrament of Anointing,  the masked priest does not touch the person he is anointing. The laying of hands is  done “at a distance” and the anointing is done with a cotton swab. The sense… [read more]

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Job 7:1-4,6-7  Mark 1:29-39  A short while ago I’m sure a lot of you tuned into the inauguration of Joe  Biden as president of the United States. We recognize that in some ways he is a  “wounded healer”, a quote of Henri Nourwen. His suffering in the past was an opportunity to grow and the… [read more]

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Deuteronomy 18:15-20  Mark 1:21-28  As I’ve mentioned several times in the past, the central focus of Mark’s gospel  is that of discipleship. Jesus is the teacher, the person of authority and power and  the disciples are to learn from him how to use this influence properly.  For the Israelite people, Moses was the go-to guy… [read more]

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – “COME AND SEE”

1 Samuel 3:3b-10,19  John 1:35-42  There is a story of a couple who became engaged over Christmas. He told her his present for her was on the tree. It was a bulb, it read “Merry Christmas”, then she turned it around, it read, “Will you marry me?”  Marriage is one of the “particular” vocations in… [read more]