Author Archives: editor

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Deuteronomy 18:15-20  Mark 1:21-28  As I’ve mentioned several times in the past, the central focus of Mark’s gospel  is that of discipleship. Jesus is the teacher, the person of authority and power and  the disciples are to learn from him how to use this influence properly.  For the Israelite people, Moses was the go-to guy… [read more]

A Pastoral Letter from Bishop Crosby – FOR THE COMMON GOOD

FOR THE COMMON GOODOn the Pandemic Sacrifices My dear friends, The decision to close our churches and suspend public celebrations of the Mass has been a painful one for our clergy, religious, and all the lay faithful in the Diocese. While the sadness of our inability to gather to celebrate the Eucharist is profound, some… [read more]

Knights of Columbus: Fraternal Benefit Seminar on February 6, 2021

The Knights of Columbus Sacred Heart of Jesus Council 15922 and District 109 are inviting all Catholic men and their families to attend a Fraternal Benefit Seminar and the awarding of the Heritage Award for Councils 1454 and 5860 for their combined total of 167 years of service to their parishes, faith community, and fellow brother… [read more]

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – “COME AND SEE”

1 Samuel 3:3b-10,19  John 1:35-42  There is a story of a couple who became engaged over Christmas. He told her his present for her was on the tree. It was a bulb, it read “Merry Christmas”, then she turned it around, it read, “Will you marry me?”  Marriage is one of the “particular” vocations in… [read more]

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Isaiah 55:1-11  Mark 1:7-11  One of the customs that we have in both of our parishes is the “tree of life” present in the sanctuary during the Christmas Season. One of the symbols is that of the dove- each dove has the name of each person baptized in our parish the past year (next year,… [read more]

The Epiphany of Our Lord

The Epiphany is about the divine mysteries becoming known.  In this very challenging year, the gentle snow falling on Christmas Eve into Christmas Day was see as something positive as we stayed home from Church. As we continue in this time of “lockdown,” nature may be showing us some of other signs of beauty and… [read more]