The Epiphany is about the divine mysteries becoming known.
In this very challenging year, the gentle snow falling on Christmas Eve into Christmas Day was see as something positive as we stayed home from Church. As we continue in this time of “lockdown,” nature may be showing us some of other signs of beauty and peace.
The Epiphany story (visit of the Magi) is only found in Matthew’s gospel and reflects an acceptance of the Messiah (Magi) and rejection (Herod). There is risk in following Christ but the rewards in faith far outweigh them.
The story connects back to the Old Testament story of Moses’ escape from the Egyptian Pharaoh. The Magi believe, representing the universality of the Christ event – Jesus is revealed to the nations and no one particular group owns Him.
The challenge for us is to see how the glory of God is reflected around us. We use “light” to indicate that presence and it seems more people put up lights on their homes this year. They remind us that we are that light and can continue to be as we move into the future. Part of being that light is reflected in embracing the safety measures we are asked to follow at this time.
We look forward to the “gift” of healing in the future, as shown in the vaccines that are becoming available.
As St. Peter Chrysologus wrote…
Today the Magi gaze in deep wonder at what they see:
* heaven on Earth, Earth in heaven
*a human being in God, God in a human being
* one whom the whole universe cannot contain, contained in a tiny body