Author Archives: editor

Ascension of the Lord

Acts: 1-1-11  Ephesians 1:17-23 Mark 16:15-20 A quality that is peculiar to the gospel of Mark is the lack of stories of the appearances of the risen Lord. The gospel this Sunday is actually considered to be added on at later time. Mark’s emphasis is to see the risen Christ reflected in discipleship which is part of… [read more]

Concerned Lay Catholics Inaugural Presentation

Sister Nuala Kenny will be presenting at the inaugural presentation on Saturday May 15, 2021, for Concerned Lay Catholics, an independent group of concerned committed lay Catholics to affirm the laity’s role of co-responsibility in the Church. Please see PDF below for more information.

5th Sunday of Easter – Beginning the Month of Mary

This weekend, had the Masses been in-person, we would have had Deacon Terry sharing his Homily. We invite you instead to read his words in the PDF below, followed by Fr. Charlie’s message on the Fifth Sunday of Easter. Acts 9:26-31  1 John 3:18-24  John 15:1-8  Traditionally, May is a month dedicated to Mary, Our… [read more]

Catholic Education Week 2021: Bishop Crosby’s Message on Nurturing Hope

During the week of May 2 to May 7, 2021, school boards within our Diocese will celebrate the significant contribution that Catholic Education has made to the community, the province and to Canada. The theme for this upcoming week is Nurturing Hope. We invite you to read and watch Bishop Crosby’s message:

4th Sunday of Easter – April 25, 2021

Acts 4:7-12  1 John 3:1-2  John 10:11-18  In the liturgy of baptism for infants, the child is anointed with the oil of chrism  immediately following the moment of baptism. It signifies that the child is “set apart” – begins a unique relationship with Jesus in the Church.  Chrism is used in two other sacraments – Confirmation,… [read more]