Author Archives: editor

Statement of Apology by the Catholic Bishops of Canada and Collective National Fundraising Initiative

The Catholic Bishops of Canada, gathered in Plenary this week, took the opportunity to affirm and acknowledge to the Indigenous Peoples the suffering experienced in Canada’s Indian Residential Schools. Many Catholic religious communities and dioceses participated in this system, which led to the suppression of Indigenous languages, culture and spirituality, failing to respect the rich… [read more]

Mass of Reconciliation on September 30th

In June, the federal government passed new legislation making September 30th a national statutory holiday commemorating National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. National Day for Truth and Reconciliation commemorates the history and ongoing trauma caused by residential schools and is intended to honour the survivors, families and communities who continue to grieve for those who were lost…. [read more]

Regarding COVID Vaccines

The official position of the Catholic Church is that all available COVID vaccines are ethical and all Catholics who are able are encouraged to receive the vaccine.  All employees serving in the Diocese of Hamilton are encouraged to be fully vaccinated or to submit to a COVID rapid test every Monday and Thursday in order to… [read more]

Evenings with His Excellency

Interested in learning more about our Catholic Faith? Join Bishop Lobsinger for “Evenings with His Excellency” on the second Friday of each month at 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in Canadian Martyrs Church, (1349 Main Street West, Hamilton). Each month we will methodically go through the “Catechism of the Catholic Church”. There is no registration, no fee… [read more]

Information on Residential Schools

In response to the recent discoveries of unmarked graves on the site of former Residential Schools across Canada, His Excellency, Bishop Crosby, OMI, issued a Pastoral Letter entitled: To Inform, To Encourage, To Heal. His Excellency’s letter, along with multiple resources including: a brief history of Residential Schools in Canada, Expressions of Apology and Actions and… [read more]

Bulletins Available In Print

 As the Diocese has now permitted bulletins to be distributed at Mass, there will be bulletins in print at the doors of the church on August 1st. This bulletin will cover the entire month of August. The bulletin will continue to be found on our website.