Author Archives: editor

Mass Cancellations

Effective at midnight Monday, December 21, 2020, please note that ALL public Masses are cancelled in Hamilton Region beginning on Tuesday, December 22nd until January 23rd, 2021, or until further notice. Father Charlie will be praying for those intentions listed in the bulletin when he celebrates mass each day.

Christmas Message from Bishop Douglas Crosby, OMI

Christmas 2020 Dear friends, As the Christmas feasts begin, I am pleased to send you greetings in the form of an excerpt from the 2019 Christmas homily of Pope Francis: “A charming legend relates that at the birth of Jesus the shepherds hurried to the stable with different gifts. Each brought what he had; some… [read more]

Celebrating 100 Years: 1921-2021

This September 13th begins a year of special celebration at Sacred Heart – our parish’s 100th anniversary. Father Jordan and the Anniversary Committee are planning a number of memorable events to highlight this noteworthy occasion. Our hope is that all parishioners will participate as fully as possible in all gatherings and activities – spiritual, social,… [read more]