I write to you today to offer my prayerful support and closeness as we navigate these difficult times. While this is a difficult time in so many ways, it is particularly painful to be unable to gather to celebrate the Eucharist together. At a time when we hear so many reminders to keep “physical distance,” from others, however, let us continue to remember that, “The Lord is near to all who call on him.” (Psalm 148:18) The Lord is near to you now and always!

Throughout the entire universal Church, it is the responsibility of the pastor in every parish in the world each Sunday to celebrate the Missa pro populo – the Mass for the People. I want to assure you that each Sunday, I continue to offer this Mass for you and all members of our parish. Let us continue to be united to the Lord and to one another through spiritual communion while we must fast from the Bread of Life.

I encourage you to read the daily scripture readings, pray the Rosary and other devotional prayers, and pray for all those afflicted with this virus and those working to limit its spread. Watching Masses broadcast on television or the internet is a wonderful way to maintain the holiness of the Lord’s Day. Mass from the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King will be broadcast on CHCH TV each Sunday at 1 p.m. and can also be accessed through

If you are able, I hope you will consider continuing your financial support of the parish during this period. Being unable to open our doors means we will not be receiving regular contributions to help us pay our bills – which do not stop, even while we are closed.

You can do so online by visiting 
where you can make a gift directed to our parish.

If you are deciding whether to make a donation to the parish OR SHARE LENT, please choose SHARE LENT. Our friends in 3rd world countries will need the funds more than us. You may also wish to mail in your envelopes to the parish – either of these methods would be truly and profoundly appreciated and would help the parish at a time of difficulty. May God bless you for your generosity.

After this period of trial has finished, we will once again gather together to worship God in the celebration of the Eucharist. This will be a moment of great celebration for all of us. Until this time, let us hold the words of the Lord to the prophet Isaiah in our hearts:

“Do not fear, for I am with you,
do not be afraid, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” 
Isaiah 41:10

Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Fr. Charlie Jordan